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August 3, 2012 - The "Ben shoe journey"644 viewsMickey Mouse is only too happy to sign Big Ben's jersey, at the request of Jeffrey Metz! You can read his story here in the album or here:
*Thank you to Mickey Metz and his nephew, Jeffrey!Aug 07, 2012

Training Camp - August, 20121108 viewsAshley and Carlee Roethlisberger pose with "the biggest Steeler fan on the planet, Emily Duncan"!
Photo: Wendy BennettAug 07, 2012

Training Camp - August, 2012891 viewsRob "Mookey" Gratson snapped this photo of Ben posing with a young fan.
Thank you Rob!Aug 07, 2012

July 27, 2012 - Jeffrey Metz932 views This is a story about a young man and his courage. Jeffrey Metz was born in San Diego, CA with cerebral palsy. My name is Mickey Metz, Jeffrey's uncle. I'm originally from the north side of Pittsburgh, but have been living in Orlando, FL since 1985. We have family in Mt. Pleasant, PA so I decided to invite Jeffrey to go on a road trip to Steelers training camp with me, my son, and my brother. His parents were reluctant to allow him to fly by himself to Orlando because of his physical disability, but Jeffrey won out and flew from Bakersfield, CA to our home in Orlando to start the road trip to Pennsylvania. He flew 3,000 miles and rode for 1,200 miles.
Friday, July 27, 2012, the first day of camp open for the public was the day that changed Jeffrey's life forever.
We arrived at Saint Vincent College in Latrobe, PA at noon. Upon arriving I sought out several staff members to see if there was any assistance (a wheelchair) for Jeffrey to get to the playing fields and unfortunately they couldn't provide any. We weren't sure how to get Jeffrey down the hillside from the handicap parking lot but Jeffrey knew the only chance he had to meet his favorite player, Ben Roethlisberger, was to climb down all the steps to the playing field. So even with a major fear of steps, he made it to the bottom - one slow step at a time, with crutches, to watch the players on the field.
After practice, Jeffrey climbed down the few remaining steps to the field level in hopes that Ben would notice him wearing his #7 jersey. However, Ben walked the opposite way from us to the other side of the grandstand to sign autographs. Still determined, Jeffrey climbed back up the stairs, walked to the other side and then back down the steps to the side where Ben was. Unfortunately, by this time Ben was already a distance away from where Jeffery was. Other fans noticed Jeffrey and his obvious desire to get Ben's attention, so they started chanting, "Ben, Ben, Ben", but Ben didn't realize what was happening, so he just smiled at the fans and kept moving down the line signing more autographs. Jeffrey was not giving up! He walked along the hillside around another large group of fans to get along the fence in hopes that Ben would still be signing at the end of that row where he now stood.
Ben finally reached Jeffrey and signed his football. He also stopped to take a photo with Jeffrey (above)....Aug 03, 2012

July 27, 2012 - Jeffrey Metz925 views...As Ben continued to move down the row, Jeffrey turned around, hugged me, and started to cry. Then I started to cry. Others around us had tears in their eyes. Suddenly, Ben came back to Jeffrey, looking concerned, and asked him what was wrong? Jeffrey told Ben he had come a long way on crutches to meet his hero! At that point Ben reached down and took off his right shoe, signed it, and gave it to Jeffrey. Ben then asked us where we were parked and how Jeffrey was going to get back up there. We didn't know.
Ben then ordered a golf cart and then HE got in the drivers seat and drove us up the hill to our car in the parking lot! Once we got up there, Ben walked Jeffrey to our car and stayed for a few minutes to chat and pose for more photos before saying goodbye...
(Ben poses with Justin, Jeffrey and Mickey Metz in the parking lot of St. Vincent College)Aug 03, 2012

July 27, 2012 - Jeffrey Metz916 views...Jeffrey calls his experience with Ben "A miracle in Pennsylvania"! Later that night, Jeffrey took his shoe into the Mt Pleasant Dairy Queen to show all the employees what Ben gave him. The manager even posted a photo of Jeffrey with Ben's shoe on Facebook . Many family, friends, and even strangers have heard this story and everyone has gotten both chills and tears in their eyes.
The shoe has already traveled to Richmond, VA for a visit, and the next stop is Disney World, because Jeffrey wants to share it with Mickey Mouse. Jeffrey says he just wants to make a difference in this world and for some one to hear him, and on Friday July 27, 2012, the one person Jeffrey journeyed 4,200 miles to see in person did hear him ... and that was Ben Roethlisberger.
Ben's kindness brought joy to Jeffrey's daily struggles and made him forget them for one day. Jeffrey says it was the best day of his life. Thank you for allowing me to share this story, this memory will never end!
(Jeffrey poses with his cousin Joshua and his autographed Big Ben shoe)
Story & photos: Mickey MetzAug 03, 2012

On the top of Baldy Mountain!804 viewsBen Sheetz took a trip to Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico, and took his Terrible Towel with him! Here he is posing at the top of the tallest mountain on the ranch!
Thank you Ben!Aug 02, 2012

The Terrible Towel in Rome!600 viewsRick Pietrolungo, from Greencastle, PA, poses with his Terrible Towel in front of the Vatican! He's been a Steelers fan since 1960, since he was old enough to follow football! According to Rick, he even found a Steelers fan club in one of the local bars.
Thank you Rick!Jul 20, 2012

June, 2012 - Steelers fan in Scotland801 views"Had to cross the pond to meet Big Ben! Couldn't have been nicer and more gracious with a photo! Me and some friends from Napa, CA met Ben at Kingsbarns GC in St. Andrews, Scotland in June." -- Mick Mitchell (standing next to Ben on the left in the black shirt and cap).
Thanks for sharing the photo Mick!
*Click on any photo to see a larger version!Jul 20, 2012

June, 2012 - Chicago Bears fans turned Big Ben fans1141 views"We were in Scotland for my sister's wedding and met Ben, his buddy Mike, and 2 other friends. We had a great time and had a blast hanging out." -- Josh and Meghan Luetkehans, Chicago Bears Fans and now Big Ben/Steeler fans
Thank you Josh and Meghan!Jul 20, 2012

Big Ben Blvd in VA!3498 views"While traveling through Virginia, I came across the enclosed street sign. Of course, being a die -hard Steelers Fan, I could not resist taking a photo. Let Ben know he has his first street named after him" -- Kim Taylor, Charlotte, NC
*Click on any photo to see a larger version!Jul 20, 2012

James Shimkus at Steelers Training Camp776 views"I am just writing to the site to show my picture of me and Ben, and to tell you how he is my favorite player of all time! Meeting Ben was amazing and to get a picture with him AND have him sign my jersey was absolutely amazing! A day doesn't go by that I don't think about it. I know it may seem crazy but that memory is the most amazing one ever! Here is me and Ben at training camp a couple years ago. See you at training camp Ben!"
Thank you James!Jul 20, 2012
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